Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's almost here

I am not aware... I just realized my christmas countdown is gone. Oh well so much for that.

Well, Friends here it is 1 week from Christmas Eve. So much to do.... The hustle and bustle is getting crazy. Not all the presents are chosen. None are wrapped. Christmas Cards have not been sent.

Had a great time with my Jack, Jack today. He is such an angel. Now I say tickle, tickle and he giggle's before I get a chance to tickle him. What a silly little guy. He is fasinated with the dogs... they have been around him his whole life. But, now they are so interesting. I tried to give Jack his lunch but, the dogs were a lot more fun to play peek-a-boo with. Such fun we had. He can hold his bottle with his own two hands now. He can drink out of a sippy cup... Were on our way to the sippy cup time.... he took about a 2 hour nap today and then one for 45minutes. Right on schedule little man. We played with his toys. He found himself in the mirror and kept smiling at himself. All the time thinking "that fellow in the mirror is very striking looking". I had such fun today with him.

Tomorrow back to work- U-haul that is- crazy kind of job- weird people-
enough of that sorry.
I am watching the final survivor I am hoping for Ozzie to win. He is good.

1 comment:

OrangeGlow said...

Thanks for the update on mr. jack pepper. I miss seeing pictures of him but that was an awesome narrative of a day with jack. Made me feel like I was there with y'all. I'll be there soon. Hope all is well. Love Ya!!