Such an awesome show tonight. I really enjoyed everything about it. I hope alot of you were able to watch the show tonight. So many talented artisits were on the show. It was a wonderful show. I cryed alot. It was sad. Finally final results. Chris and Jordin please stand up. they are both safe no one went home tonight. Wow!!!!!!! Bottom two going home next week. MY GADS!!!! What a show.
Me and Mike were in total shock when it looked like Jordin was going to be voted off!!!! It was a good show. :)
Yes, VERY good show! I actually posted a similar one after the show last night I was so moved. I tried to donate online and the site was down. :(
Haven't tried today, though. Hubby had already figured out the twist and alerted me. So, I was not surprised...he ALWAYS does that. It kinda looked almost like they knew...but Jordin was crying, so that threw me. But, Phil was smiling like he knew when Ryan was talking...so I dunno.
But, you're right and now I'm gonna quit rambling. Smiles!
[sigh] I missed it because I was sick last night and couldn't see it but I heard so many great things about it.... I guess I'll just have to read all about it.
not a fan..........
still not a fan.......
I had a sneaky feeling that they weren't going to vote anyone off on a charity show but to have Jordin as the last one standing was JUST NOT RIGHT!!!
Be interesting to see who the bottom two are next week that are going home!
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