Guys, Guys, Guys Go to the pisstaker link so I can win the Gummy Bears. Linda won them last week. Hit the link and go look around. If you haven't it is a new community starting up. Yee haw. Have fun watching it grow. Go Win me some Gummy Bears.
Go to The Pisstakers.com
Just to clarify, there is no need to register. No need to work that hard. Just visit and read!!!
(For gummi bear award purposes - your visit is logged in the stat counter, it notes what you read, and notes which site you came from. Whichever site from last week's mini reviews comes out on top as top referrer of visiting readers, will win the bears!)
cheers Ed (PS after much research, there seems to be no difference in the flavor of different gummi bear brands! They all kill your teeth)
The pisstakers eh? Sounds like something that crazy Claire would say! (hehe)
Off to check it out!
callieannbratgirlfriend! i just hate gummy anything, bears, worms, you name it.... you can have mine.
smiles, bee
Actually, Callie, just to clarify - I didn't actually win the Gummy Bears last week. Polli won them but she told Ed to send them to me instead because she's just that kinda gal! I didn't know a thing about it until Ed sent me an email enlightening me of that fact. Between Gummy Bears and M&Ms I'll have quite the stash of candy here on the East Coast! Want to come visit and we can get cavities together??
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