Hi, This is my first Manic Monday. In grade school we use to play a game called "Snap the Whip" at recess it was so much fun. We had a little friend named Troy. We always put him on the end. He would always fly in the air. Always some where some how someone would lose their grip and off people would fly. It was awesome. Until this one day at recess, Mrs. Black was the yard duty teacher. (she had black hair and was later found to have been having an affair with the Principal) but I digress. Anyway. Some one flew off, that would be Troy and he broke his arm. From that day forward no one ever saw the game of "Snap the Whip" in the school yard ever again.

The Game "Snap the Whip"
Ouch! Poor Troy!
Maybe he's out in cyberspace somewhere today, blogging about the day he got his arm broken. :)
Ouff, you are the first one with a story !And a nice one I mean besides poor Troy's arm. Congratulations so far I only saw songs or two words for Manic Monday !
I have never played that game.. I bet it's a blast when drunk and naked.
Later Y'all
boy i forgot all about that game. we used to play that back when i was a kid and the earth was still flat! ha ha ha... good one girlfriend!
smiles, bee
Happy Manic Monday, and a belated Happy Easter!! :)
Sometimes "being safe" removes the fun of childhood. I loved that game even though the end was usually me.
I never played that game, either! Great post. Welcome to Manic Monday. Looks like you'll be a great addition!!!
Ouch for poor Troy !
We used to play snap the whip when we were iceskating during the Christmas holidays...
Hope you have a great Monday Callie !
I have played that game and it was a wild one. Someone always got hurt (but no broken bones that I can remember). Great post!
Meloncutter, LOL!
Never played that game, for Dodge Ball was the game of choice in my school.
Thanks for joining Manic Mondays!
Great first time out Callie Ann. I remember this game, but only a few scrapes and such. No broken bones. Thanks for the walk down memory lane :)
Welcome to the mania.
I have never heard of this game. The picture reminded me of Red Rover Red Rover game.
Happy MM
Be well and enjoy the day
Um...that's a little weird-I've never heard of that game before...and it's weird that OTHER people know about it too...
Snap the whip...poor kids!
Excellent first MM
I played that game along with other 'dangerous' childhood games like Red Rover and Dodgeball--ah--those were the days!
Welcome to Manic Monday!
That sure sounded like one scary game. But... fun. :-)
Hey, Callie! That's a great entry...I really like the picture you used. We did play that although Dodge Ball and Four Square were favs...
I remember this game but I think we played it up the name of "Crack the Whip" (different part of the country, dontchaknow??). And yeah, it could be brutal at times but we all loved it as you'd just go flying all over the place!
Thanks for the memories, Callie!
I remember the game, but never knew what it was called. Nice, photo too.
I remember this game. I think we called it crack the whip, but it's basically the same.
Although sometimes we'd play a little rough.
Great post and welcome to MM!
Never played the game either but it sounds painful. We used to play Red Rover all the time where you had to bash into people that were linked together. I ran towards two people but there were clasped hands so tight that I ended looping right over them onto my head and ended up getting 8 stitches. Lol... funny now that I think about it but not funny then, I'm sure. Just imagining legs fly all over them... hehe.
Welcome to MM!!! Poor Troy.. :(
I loved this game, never knew it was called that though.
All playground fun is banned now, did you ever play conkers?
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