Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Thursday Thirteen # 1 for me.

Just Thirteen little Reasons I love Putter (aka Jeff)

1. I love that he loves me back. Now that is awesome
2. I love his smile. It says so much to me when he smiles it makes my day.
3. I love his eye's, they sparkle and they are that Root beer color of brown.
4. I love his hands. He makes a living with his hands they are strong hands
5. I love the way he cares if I am sad
6. I love the way he cares about my family.
7. I love that he doesn't yell at me.
8. I love that he doesn't get angry cause the house is a mess.
9. I love that he empties the dishwasher for me.
10. I love that he wants me to go to the races with him.
11. I love that we get along so well.
12. I love that he loves my Grandson Jack Jack
13. I love him because he is my teddy bear and he gives the best hugs.


Crazy Working Mom said...

Awww...I'm feelin' the love.

Great List, Callie and WELCOME to TT. :)

Anonymous said...

Very sweet list!

Erin Faye said...

Awesome list. He sounds like a great person.

Ingrid said...

Ah ! what should I add to such a list ?

HomeSchool Mommy said...

Great TT. What an awesome way to honor him.

Constance said...

Good Thursday morning Callie,
What a wonderful list, and what a wonderful relationship you have with him ! May there be many more years of ongoing happiness for you and your teddy bear --

Barb said...

What a wonderful man you have! I like a man that works with his hands.

Liz Hill said...

Callie--Thanks for stopping by my TT and leaving a comment. What a sweet list. So nice to see someone recognize the importance of those little things.

Denise Patrick said...

Sigh. So wonderful that you're in love. That feeling is the best and I hope it never goes away.

JustMeShann said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... He is a Sweet Guy and I love talking to him on the phone when your not there! You lucky girl you! Love ya both, Shann

Mercy's Maid said...

Welcome to the world of Thursday 13!

Carina said...

Sounds like you've got a real winner there.

kuanyin333 said...

Beautiful post and child! Happy TT!

Sandee said...

You better hang on to him. He sounds like a winner. I have one too so I can relate.

crpitt said...

What a great first TT! you softie.

Amazing Gracie said...

I think guys get picked on too much and I love my guy, too!!!
Great post...

Mags said...

I love him because he makes my Callie Ann happy.
