Okay I was tagged with the Real Mom's Meme by Linda over at "Are we there Yet" .
From what I can gather from looking at other's posts you just write down 13 things that make a mom a Real Mom
So here we go Good Gravy.

From what I can gather from looking at other's posts you just write down 13 things that make a mom a Real Mom
So here we go Good Gravy.

- Real Mom's make sure all your clothes are neatly put away and everything smells fresh. They clean your room after you have cleaned it also. My mom is the best house cleaner.
- Real Mom's put clean sheet's on your bed everysingle day when your sick and clean your room up. When I would go take a bath when I was sick, my mom would do these things for me. I remember this more than anything when I am sick. I miss my mom when I am sick. Mom I have a sore throat today could you come put fresh sheets on the bed and fluff my pillows? I love you MOM
- Real Mom's make sure the house is perfect, My mom's house was always clean as a whistle. Company could always show with no notice and it was fine.
- Real Mom's make the best Beef Stroganaff in the world. With Salad and home made ranch dressing. Yummy My Mom is a good cook. The Best. My brother lives in Illinois and he misses mom's taco's. Her enchalada's are the best also.
- Real Mom's always make sure and buy you little extra meaningful gifts when you get older that make me so happy. My mom is always thinking of me.
- Real Mom's help you raise your own darling children. My mom helps me alot with my kids. And she get's mad at them just as much as a Real Mom.
- Real Mom's call you up at your friend Kathy Bunch's house right when you get there and say "get home your room isn't clean." What!! Kathy Bunch lived 2 miles down hill on my 10 speed Huffy 682 bike. She always knew the minute I got there and I had to ride 2 miles back up hill. I would Cry. My Mom is so MEAN.... This happened several times. I wonder why I kept cleaning my room right under the bed. You would have thought I would have been smarter than that.
- Real Mom's always know when your friends are lying. My mom would amaze me how she knew these things. But, as I have gotten older my mom still knows these things. She can call them with the best. If my mom says... so and so this, or so and so that. You better sit up and take notice because sooner or later someone is going to prove that mom right. It amazes me how she does this.
- Real Mom's let you make your own stupid mistakes in this world. They don't critize they are just there to pick you up when you have been stupid. Mom always knew.
- Real Mom's make the Holiday's wonderful. My mom makes the best Christmas. She always has the house smelling wonderful, she makes cookies, candies. the house is sparkling. Christmas was always best at mom's. I have never been able to duplicate the atmosphere at my mom's house at christmas.
- Real Mom's Know when your cranky or just being a bitch. They will tell you about it too. So don't even try to ignore them. They are right.
- Real Mom's share you hobby's with you. They do things with you all the time. They even go to work with you sometimes. I am lucky enough to work with my mom everyday. It is wonderful. Really I am not kidding
- Real Mom's last but not least can be your very best friend in the whole world. All my friends love my mom. Mom even Shannon loves you. Your the best mom in the whole wide world. {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}} I love you MOM
This is my Mom and my Brother. Ain't they cute.
You didn't run fast enough!lol!
Don't you have to be a mom to do this?
i look alot taller than mom but i am standing on a step ha ha
no Jake your on two steps not one hee hee
Your a lucky gal Callie to have a Mother like yours and I can see you already know that... And I think she is pretty great too... She has the most wonderful laugh out of everyone I know... Your writing tonight makes me smile Callie... Love ya Shann
This was a great post, Callie. (My mom never changed MY sheets every day when I was sick.)
You mom is a beautiful lady. Your bro looks better with hair lol.
Very good job with the meme and your Mom must be so proud to have you as her daughter! Maybe we need a "Real Daughter" meme??
Nice post...and I say here here..your mom is a great cook and hostess.
I am also lucky enough to call her a favorite Aunt...she has always been so good to us. Your mom has the most beautiful smile and I miss her dearly. Love & hugs, Brandi
Nice post...and I say here here..your mom is a great cook and hostess.
I am also lucky enough to call her a favorite Aunt...she has always been so good to us. Your mom has the most beautiful smile and I miss her dearly. Love & hugs, Brandi
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