Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wordless Wednesday (The Coastline of the Hawaiian Islands)

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Mags said...

Pretty, pretty Callie Ann Brat!!

Ingrid said...

I don't know where it is, but I have almost the same picture but taken in Italy !

Ingrid said...

I didn't do it with photoshop, I did it with Pikipimp ! Try it it's very limited but with a little phantasy it works !

Just saw that the picture was taken in Hawai ! Sorry I just got up !

Mags said...

Hopefully the Maggie Moo link'll work...hmmmm weird.

Jake said...

yea yea just tryn out me gmail account. could not log in and get back to your page very earitating

Anonymous said...

Aren't those just the most beautiful mountains you've ever seen?

Just gorgeous! Great picture Callie!

Marie said...

great shot! where the sea meets the mountains!! that scene is so familiar with most of the LOST (TV show) scenes. amazing!

Sandee said...

I so love Hawaii and want to go back again very soon. BEAUTIFUL!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous. I don't think I've seen a bad picture of hawaii yet

Anonymous said...


Amazing Gracie said...

This is too weird! I had a photo of the same thing from the air and changed my mind!!! Wow...Maybe I'll do it next week. Don't you just love it???

maiylah said...

wow, that's an amazing view!

Anonymous said...

That's some blue water! Visit me at Castle Nottingham or my Wordless

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

Wonderful shot. Quite an amazing picture. Scenics like this always bring out the warmth in people.

The World In The Eyes Of Brothers said...

What a lovely picture. I love the mountains.

Erin Faye said...

Amazing! I want to be there right now.

Anonymous said...

One of these days ... one of these days. *sigh*

Marc said...

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday! That is a great photo! It sure beats the cold and snow that many of us have had this week!

Patois42 said...

Would love to be there. Now.

Vlado&Toni said...

Lovely mountains. Love to go to Hawaii someday.

Angela said...

Wonderful photo :-). Makes me long for a nice vacation. Happy WW

Durward Discussion said...

Ooooooooooooo! Another place to go see.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Oh wow! Beautiful shot.

Constance said...

Happy Wednesday, Callie !
Hope where you are is as pretty as that pictue !

Kate Johnson said...

Beautiful; looks like a hazy early morning.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

So pretty and peaceful..
Happy WW :)

Pfingston said...

I've got to get me there one of these days!
Happy WW!

Barb said...

Absolutely beautiful!