Can't help it but I want to add words. This is my parents on a recent cruise to Alaska with there friends. One of them got the bright idea to get on their white robes and take a group picture. My parent's are the couple in the middle. Silly Folks
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What a fun group..I'd cruise with them. Wonderfully fun photo.
What a fun photo!!! Wait 'til Bee and Sarge see this one...
Love it.
They look like such a fun group of people. Just the kind you want to go on vacation with!
Aww it is so nice that they are able to do things like that. Still young and heart.
I'm pleased your folks are "silly", it shows they are e njoying life. This is such a nice shot x x
hahahaha! they are having so much fun! i wish someday i have great friends like that when i'm old and can do stuff like what they are doing,hehehe!
Very cute and so very funny! I love it when adults can still be kids :)
I love this picture.
looks like they all were having fun
Happy WW
Looks like a great group! I'm in...
They look like they are having a blast!!
This is by far the cutest pic of the day! love it.
That's a fantastic pic! LOL...your parents seem very fun.
What fun!!!!
Looks like they had a fun time. Visit my blog at High Strangeness Altoona, favorite me at technorati, or go directly to my Wordless post.
They look like they are having a ball!
I think that is just super cool. What fun parents. What a fun group of friends.
What a great shot! They look like they are having a great time.
cruise? did someone say cruise??? i'm IN!!!
smiles, bee
Well, how fun is this? What a hoot. Your parents and their friends look like a great group of folks. Thanks for sharing. Happy WW Callie Ann.
It certainly looks like they were having a wonderful time! And if you're going to cruise then you've got to have fun!
That is too funny! My husband and I would love to do that with a bunch of friends. And if you keep an eye out you can get them for a GREAT price!
Funny WW!
aww! that's soo cute! i hope i'm that fun and have that many friends 20 years from now.
Looks like fun to me!
What a great picture!
One day, I hope to be able to take a cruise with good friends!
Callie, that's too cute, very creative!
Thanks for posting.
That's such a cute picture!!!
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