Q.... Name something you think is “the best.”Ans........."The Best" is when the family is together, everyone is relaxed and no one is acting like an ass. That to me is "The Best".
Q....On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 highest), how stressed are you today?
Ans.......I am extremely stressed 10 is it. Feelings are the culprit of my stress
Q....What kind of cleanser do you use to wash your face?
Ans......Neutrogena soap. squeeky clean and then comes the moisturizer. yummy
Main Course
Q....Tonight is a blue moon! What is something that you believe only happens “once in a blue moon.”
Ans.....That something would be hmmmmm...... That the garage is completely cleaned up. Ha ha ha that certainly would be a blue moon event.
Ans.....That something would be hmmmmm...... That the garage is completely cleaned up. Ha ha ha that certainly would be a blue moon event.
Q...When was the last time it rained where you live?
Ans......Last Saturday.... not enough to mess up the guys going dirt racing though. Yee Haw.
Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by. I have had a couple of 10 days this week....the reason i am currently only a 3 is that it is only 9.10 am!
Have a good weekend :)
Hi Callie, great feast! I agree with your appetizer!
Happy Friday!
Great feast and thanks for stopping by-by the way, you can have your rain back :)
Your appetizer's so cute! Love it. :) Happy weekend, Callie!
Lovely feasts!!! Hope your stress levels improve soon ...
Come over and share my feast ...
Great Friday Feast!
My feast is served.
Have a wonderful day!
(")_ (")Š
same here, getting the spare room cleaned up would really be equal to a blue moon event! lol ...
hope your stress level goes down before the day ends. :)
Oh ya....a two car garage with only room for one car! Yep, that's a blue moon event. Good thinking on your part!
My feast is served
Hey, Callie Brat!!!
Hope you have a great Feast.
Make hubby get out there and get that darned garage cleaned this weekend. Tell him it's bugging you and you're too sore. heh heh
Have a great weekend!!!
loved your feast answers!
Wonderful feast. Hope the stress level improves.
Get Hubby working on that garage. Try to have a less stressful weekend.
That's funny... I've been thinking about working on the garage today. LOL. Happy Friday & Great Feast!
Not participating in Friday's Feast. Loved all your answers here except the stress one. I have stress too. You have a good weekend and try to relax. I'll see you Sunday. Off to the boat. :)
Filling feast! Thanks.
I enjoyed your feast!
I love to scrpbook---I wondered if that had anything to do with your blog title? I'll have to look around.
Also I noticed you had a photo a day blog listed on your profile page. I am doing a photo every day this year on this blog:
come by and visit!
Great feast today! Love your main course. That would be a blue moon in my house too.
My feast is up...come on over!
I send you thoughts of relaxation, Callie, and all that you need for you to feel more at peace...
A clean garage --- now THAT'S a wonderful thing to have happen, on any kind of a moon !
Still stressed, huh? Girl, you need to relax a little, it would probably be so much better for your neck and back if you could do that at least a little bit - please??
And it just rained here about an hour ago and now it's sticky ... ugh! I hate humidity!
your appetizer is hilarious! Great feast answers.
Great Feast. My feast is now up at my site.
Great feast! Love your colorful site.
I hope your weekend was relaxing.
Completely agree with your appetizer! :) Gotta love family!
Thanks for the fantastic feast!
Loved your feast, esp your salad and main course LOL! Whew about your dessert - thank goodness! LOL
Thanks for visiting!
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