Wow, This is how I feel when I get home lately exhausted. Getting ready for this wedding is making me feel exhausted. Cramming a big wedding into a week is insane. I can assure you of this. So If I forget something to do oh well. At least I didn't have a long time to think about it, so I have no expectations so hopefully I won't worry about everything not being just so.
So that was my weekend and my monday.
wake your dead ass up n answer the phone Jake
Save enough energy for your wedding night CallieAnnBratGirlfriend. Big hugs honey. :)
LOVE this picture. congratulations on your upcoming wedding. btw i'm amy and i got your blog from the randomizer from nablopomo.
I LOVE this photo! But I'm sorry you're having to do so much in such a short space of time. I know you'll pull it off!!!
Awwwwwwww Mom I love you!!!! I am so happy that this is finaly happening for you. Hugs and Kisses!
Keep your chin up, callieannbratgirlfriend! It'll all be over soon and worth all of the hard work! :)
I'm thinkin' aboutcha and I sure wish I could be there to help you.
Don't wear yourself out so badly that you don't get to enjoy your own wedding!!! Take five and relax!!
adorable... and understandable!
Please don't tell me you feel asleep half out of bed with your rear in the air!
operating agreement
so, you've been married now for a few days... care to share some details?????
Inquiring minds wanna know!
The Mo Show
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