Well, it appears I have once again fallen into the genetics's of my family. 45 years old and now come the glasses. Yep. I will be needing readers for my right eye. My left eye is pretty good, but the right one, it ain't just right. I am now a 20/30 with of course a astigmatism. So I ordered the 99.00 special. Yeah I could of kept my self going with my store boughts. But, see the eyes are different. Hopefully it will help. The old Saying "My are ain't long enough ain't working. So the next time you see me. I may have new eyes. They did the glaucoma test on me which drives me crazy. "Now stay still while I blow a strong puff of air into you eye". " Don't blink". Yeah right, it is the worst.
that's the new's for the moment. It's like saying. Hey there don't move I am going to hit you with this baseball bat. I expect you not to flinch!!!!
Yep, you're about the right age for glasses. I can't see without them. It's just part of aging. Drat. Have a great day CallieAnnBratGirlfriend. :)
I think it'll make ya look HOT! :)
Can't wait to see the sexy, stylish, hip, cool frames you pick out girlfriend.
Yeah, me too. I got mine when I was about your age and hate, hate, hate them; especially in the summer! I do not like the big heavy frames that are popular again because the frameless I have let me bend over and pick something up without my glasses sliding off my face! It helps working in the garden, too.
I'm sure you'll look perfectly stunning, my dear!
Hi Callie,
Our youngest is going for her first real eye check on Friday. She had an eye screening at school and the school nurse suggested she see a real eye doc. I will not be surprised if she needs glasses since I got mine in 1st grade too. Mike and his brother have worn glasses since middle school and his sister has worn them since grade school and 2 of her 3 kids have glasses too. Poor kid is doomed!
But as I say "it's better to see good then to look good!"
Can't wait to see your new peepers!
:) have a great day!
It is that time because you can't see what you are typing...quote "My are ain't long enough ain't working." end of quote "are" Hmmm, lol See ya on the 3rd girlfriend
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