Santa is coming tonight. How Fun! Little Jack Jack isn't feeling well. He had a terrible little ear infection and now his poor little ear drum has ruptured. When you go to sleep tonight please say a little prayer for Jack Jack that Santa will bring him the " I am feeling better present". It breaks this Nana's heart when the little one is feeling terrible. He is a precious little boy. Sweet Dreams Jack Jack. Love Nana
Oh, bless his heart. I can relate since I had TWO with ear infections last week. I hope he feels much better today. Sometimes those antibiotics can work quickly. He is a sweetie and deserves to enjoy his Christmas. I'm sure Nana got him LOTS of fun toys for Christmas didn't she?
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Callie, my friend. :)
Hope Jack feels better too. Littls ones should not be sick on Christmas. Merry Christmas Callie!
Best wishes for a great New Year.
I so know the feeling. Good vibes, thoughts and prayers coming Jack Jack's way. Big hug and Merry Christmas Nana (aka)CallieAnnBratGirlfriend. :)
oh honey! i am so sorry to hear this! sending prayers for a speedy recovery for the little darling!
smiles, bee
Heres hoping that santa will make little Jack feel better, Merry Christmas Callie
Awwww thanks Mom, I am sure when he sees his Loving Nana in the morning he will feel better! I love you!
Oh, sounds like you've had a bit of trouble before xmas.
I do hope that you xmas turned out filled with joy and laughter anyway :-D
Merry Christmas! Prayers have left for his speedy recovery!
Hope Jack Jack is feeling better, and that y'all had a verry Merry Christmas!
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