Tragic News to report we lost a good man today a Millblogger Andrew Olmsted Click there and you can read his final blog entry that he had left with a friend in case he had fallen.
Fort Carson-based Army Major Andrew Olmsted is blogging from the war in Iraq, where his mission is to teach members of the Iraqi Army how to defend their country and provide security for their people. Major Olmsted is a veteran blogger and he is determined to make a difference in Iraq. "The sooner the Iraqi government doesn't need U.S. support to provide security for its people, the sooner we will probably be asked to leave." Huffington Post
This is my comments left to his memory, family and friends. I hope you can take the time to read his blog and finally entry. What an amazing young man he was.
Dear Andy,
Thank you so much for touching so many people in so many different ways. Your humor, your emotion, your bravery, your love, your family. We all here are so sad to have lost a friend and a loved one. I thank you for protecting and serving our country. I think you have an idea of how much that meant to so many of us. If there is a after life someday soon we will all be there to hug and thank you for all your did and how your touched so many of us threw your words and actions.
My thoughts now move to your family of whom I am sure their whole being is aching for your touch. Bless them and keep them comforted in knowing this world was better because you were a part of their lives. Thanks Andy, Your a damned World Hero to many of us. We will hold your words dear.
Thanks Callie Ann
what a tragedy...
hugs, bee
very nice Callie, I read his final post last night and cried.
Very sad news indeed. My brother will be leave in March and I am SO proud of him, but scared to death.
I read this last night because of an e-mail I got. So sad...it breaks my heart.
One of our local young men was KIA. Our local news is reporting that he was one of the two killed by a "friendly" Iraqi. I had heard this on FOX but didn't catch his name. I hope they have the coward in custody and get out the waterboards!!!
Callie, I sometimes get caught up in what I'm saying I neglect things. I wanted to tell you how moved I was by what you wrote...
Very good job.
I got this news via email yesterday and it's very sad indeed. A very touching tribute on your end - thanks for sharing.
Olmsted. Not "Olmstead."
Andy would dislike in the extreme someone using his death to speak in favor of waterboarding, in any fashion.
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