Thursday, February 21, 2008

I have nothing to say of much substance. Mostly me and some other friends have been talking and watching BB9.

I am also way behind on my American Idol. It's all recorded so I need to catch up.

I am behind on my Survior. Thank goodness again for DVR. So I have several hours of TV.

I haven't even got to watch Sunday's new Brother's and Sister's show.

I have been watching BB after Dark on Showtime. There has been some funny stuff going on, on that show. So staying up until midnight every night and then getting up at 6 is making me tired. But, I am addicted what can I say other than that.

I am way behind on my blog hopping. So sorry if I haven't been by in forever. I am just flaky and then of course there is all this new entrecard business going on. Busy Busy.

Today I go for blood tests. Yucky and then back to work for a bit... and then home. I feel like I am getting a cold again. Sneezy, Sleepy, ya know the drill.
So later all you peeps, have a good day!!!!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

hiya callieannbratgirlfriend!!!

smiles, bee

Sandee said...

Hi honey. Don't get sick again. I don't know anything about these shows. I absolutely love your Scrappin' with Life graphic. Awesome. Big hug CallieAnnBratGirlfriend. :)

Angie said...

I've decided not to watch BB this season. I watched some of the first show and decided it wasn't for me. Hopefully next season will be better. I loved watching BB after dark last time around.

I missed most of American Idol yesterday because I spent too much time freezing my butt off taking pictures of the moon.

Brothers and Sisters was really good. I just love that show.

Take care.

Mo and The Purries said...

Hey sweetie - hope all is well with the blood tests.
Let us know, okay?
I'm kinda glad I have HBO instead of Showtime - I mean, the feed is on midnight to 3am my time!
Besides, I know you'll keep me in the loop!
love ya,

Rebecca said...

I have missed you....I really need to start making the rounds again. Hugs...hugs...hugs.