Monday, October 03, 2005


cRAZy KiD. He bleached his hair blonde again, but his sideburns and ,wish I had a mustache, are still Red. He came over with one of his buddies and was showing us some web site where there was Jeeps and Mud flinging, his total element. I like this hair cut much better than the previous one I showed you. Ha haHa. Also Justin has informed all about his new love RockStar. He said taste it mom. So I did. Totally taste like chewable baby asprin, the Orange Flavor. Crazy KID

People have asked is this really real? Why yes it is. This crazy nut Got Drunk and his friends went to town on him. Ha ha ha .
He is truly a jem. I hate to be crude but I must show another pic of Justin that is totally classic of him. I am not sure Why things are this way, but they just are. Why this kid has this issue I don't

Know but would someone get the PLUMBER


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hows the BIG TOE these days?????