Okay back from the Doc's. It seems disc I have to get my neck operated on June 8th. Doc said I can't work for 6 weeks. On my C-spine the disc between 6 & 7 bulged out and is pressing on my spine so the doc said they have to go thru the front of my neck take it out (the disc) and put bone in it's place that will fuse together. I am going to have a yucky 4 inch scar right on my neck. I am not happy about that at all. So that is what I now for now. In the meantime still going to be same-same as far as the moraphine and neurotin. What fun that will be. So after sugery I stay home for 6 weeks. What a drag.
One of the guys I work with had surgery on this very thing last October and he's been doing just great since the surgery. I know six weeks sounds like a long, boring time but just think of all the time you can spend blogging or at least reading blogs!
At least its getting sorted and you can post pictures of your scars!
Ouch! That's what Mike had too.. a bulging disc (made sure not to typo that) and his nerve was being pinched.
Icky about them going in from the front of the neck!
At least you know now though.. and I'm sure you'll find something to do for those 6 weeks. (Blog...)
Thanks for letting us know!
Did you always have word verification?
At least you have some progress in it - you're not stuck in limbo.
What is the prognosis after the surgery?
How long will you need to be on the morphine after the surgery?
And since they have you on a controlled substance, how are they going to assist weaning you off of it when you no longer need it? (that in and of itself has to be something to look forward to!)
As for the 6 weeks - I'll just bet you'll find plenty to keep you busy! (and your friends will help!)
Oh Callie, It's good in a sense that you're getting it done then you can feel better eventually. I did know someone who had this done as well and they had a little scar but they said they didn't care about the scar because 12 weeks after the surgery, they felt great and was doing things that they couldn't do before. The surgery was a success for them and I know you will do well.
Stink? The surgery part...
Fabu? The feeling better after recovery.
Just imagine how spry you'll feel...perhaps a little frisky too. ;)
We'll be here to help keep you occupied during those 6 weeks...don't you worry!!!
Yikes! I hope it doesn't keep you down for too long Callie! :p
Thank you all for you well wishes for my surgery to go well. I appreciate it. Also thank you for the comments on my blog.
Have a good day. I am pretty nervous about the whole thing. yep that is for sure.
Have faith that it will all work out in the end.
We're here for you! Just think of all the posting you can do in 6 weeks!
Good grief. I was hoping the news would be better. Hopefully you will feel better after the surgery. Do you have sick-leave at work? I hope so. Good luck girlfriend.
Glad you are going to get it fixed and you will be feeling better!
You'll be fine and the time off will be a good chance to revamp the batteries
prayers go out for your surgery, guess it'll be a little bit before you have to do it, but you be on the right path afterwards, and enjoy life so much better.
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