Happy May Day To All My Friends and Fellow Family, Friends and Bloggers.
I looked up the meaning of May Day... It's a Celebration Of the first day of Spring. It is also a whole slew of other things that happen. In some countries it is a huge celebration for like Labor day and you go to Picnics and stuff. Some people Protest in towns like Portland, Oregon. Hope they don't get run over by a horse like they did in 2,000. Glad I am not a protester.
Any who I am sticken with just Celebrating Spring. So go out and run thru a field and have a great time. Happy Spring everyone.
Alert, Alert,,,,,, The doctor called yesterday and they had a cancellation so My Surgeon moved my surgery up. Now the cutting is scheduled for May 15th.
Man, I am tired it's 7:22am. I keep falling asleep. I am going to go get in the shower. Talk to you all later..........
Yeah I can't believe it's already May, that blows my mind.
The years go by so quick as you age...enjoy them while you can!!
I remember when I was in school May Day was such a big deal! I wonder if today's kids even know what it is.
Um.. Fat girls don't run. Too many floppy parts slapping them everywhere. :)
In California all the illegals take to the streets to protest any and all immigration bills that may be in the wings. Excuse me, Mexifornia. It SUCKS big time.
As for Comedy's comments, as far as I'm concerned if the illegals don't like it here then they should return to wherever it was they came from. How can people who are illegal immigrants expect to have rights? And what the heck is wrong with this country that it allows such a thing to happen? As a legal tax-payer, I am appalled.
Oh - and a happy May Day to you!
happy may day, callie, and you folks in Mexifornia, you brought it on yourself, we all did, what will change that
yeah we have those illegal marches in florida too. they walk off the job and march carrying MEXICAN FLAGS!!! hello??? anyone home? yikes, what have we become?
smiles, bee
Happy May Day right back atcha! I love May for so many reasons... flowers are coming up, leaves are on the trees, ice is coming off the mountain lakes so I can GO FISHING... WOOHOOOOO!!! and hubby's birthday is on the 24th... take care Callie and get lots of rest!
Come see the trouble I started on my site...YIKES!
No running through fields today. We had thunder, lightning and down pours off and on all day.
22 days until my birthday - another great reason to celebrate may!
Happy May to you!
Happy May Day to you!
Good luck on your surgery.
well, since some immigrant comments were already made...
I can say that as soon as I saw those frolicking kids under the title "Happy May Day" I first thought, "are they running back to the border?"
How cynical am I?
I only wish my first thoughts were of maypoles, and may apples, and leaving flowers on neighbor's doorknobs...
happy may
That is so exciting to know. I didn't even know that there was a May Day. Where did you find all of this info?
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