What do you consider to be the ultimate snack food?
Probably I would choose Popcorn... It is not fattening by itself, it's a good source of fiber, you can make it fattening, you can dress it up to be salty or sweet. What ever your mood.
Probably I would choose Popcorn... It is not fattening by itself, it's a good source of fiber, you can make it fattening, you can dress it up to be salty or sweet. What ever your mood.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), about how popular is your last name?
Smith are you kidding it's probably just as popular as Jones.
Smith are you kidding it's probably just as popular as Jones.
Who is your all-time favorite sitcom character, and why?
Lucielle Ball forever and always
Lucielle Ball forever and always
Main Course
Do you shop online? If so, name some sites you like to browse for goodies.
Amazon.com I can buy books, music, kids toys all kinds of wonderful things. That is my most favorite place to shop and never pay shipping costs and when I compare it to other online stores it is usually the cheapest.
Amazon.com I can buy books, music, kids toys all kinds of wonderful things. That is my most favorite place to shop and never pay shipping costs and when I compare it to other online stores it is usually the cheapest.
Fill in the blank: I think __this is hard it_ should be ___easier___.
I love amazon.com's free shipping over $25 policy!! Makes it all worthwhile. Great feast.
I love Amazon too, and popcorn is also a great choice and healthier than mine.
Co-Amazon lover thanks for stopping by! I love popcorn too!
Love Amazon! I like popcorn, too, but I'm a salt fiend and it's bad for me...
Great feasting here~
we've got the same appetizer, though mine is probably loaded with salt. lol ...
wonderful feast!
I love your dessert.
I too found it hard
Happy Friday.
Your dessert is funny! :)
Great feast! Mine's up as well! :)
I've gotten real picky about popcorn lately. I like that kind they make in the big poppers (like at the movies). I can usually snag some at the Target snack bar.
I love Amazon too:-). Great feast!
Have an awesome weekend!
I read your comment at Mrs Dub, what's up
Great feast! Thanks for visiting mine.
I love your Salad!!! She is one of my favorites too :)
Yummmmy.. see you need to move here so we can eat popcorn then go jiggle our pedometers!
Why didn't I think of Lucy!
As they used to shout at each other on "Family Feud" - GOOD ANSWERS! GOOD ANSWERS!!
Have a great day and give that neck some rest, woman!
Popcorn seems to be the most popular answer. I wish your dessert was true :) Have a good weekend!
Not participating in FF. I Love Lucy is my favorite too. I have watched every show at least a dozen time. Have a great weekend Callie Ann. :)
Ohhhhh yeah, Callie Ann ! I'm with you on the popcorn, but I love mine with butter and sugar and salt !!!!
And amazon.com is my biggest online shopping addicition !
I Love Lucy is STILL great to watch ! Desi Arnez just gets hotter ever year I get older !!!
nice desert! lol.. Great Feast!
I liked your salad....she was always one of my favorites too..Happy Friday!
Great feast today! Love Lucy too. Forgot about her when I was answering the question.
Mine is up...come on over!
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