I love the season of Fall. It is wonderful the changing of the season. The mornings are cool and so are the evenings. The middle of the day is still mild. In the northwest we start getting the rains. I enjoy the coolness, it drives you inside to the cozyness of the house. Stews, Soups, warm you up foods. Halloween is coming, then Turkey Day, then the wonderful Season of Christmas..... La La La La La
Enjoy your fall everyone!!!
So far Fall seems to be passing us by here in New England and it's just not fair! Hardly any of the leaves have changed and last night we had a horrendous wind and rain storm that knocked a good majority of them down all over the place.
I'm hoping there will still be some color in Maine when I'm there next weekend or at least maybe we'll see some on our way North.
I'll be glad when fall is over and winter is here. I'm just an old curmudgeon when it comes to Halloween - don't care for it. The only thing I really like about fall is the cooler weather.
And that is probably the coolest photo I've ever seen depicting the season. I love it!!!
I love fall too-and I love the picture you used!!
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