Sunday, January 27, 2008

Brighton's Baby Shower

We had the Baby Shower at the Local Pizza Joint. Ciddicci's.

This top pic is Jess and Mike opening presents.

This one is Jack Pepper patiently waiting for cake. Later he was seen with a fork in each had going for it. Lucky Mike was there to intervene in the event
This is the cake Jack was after. Yummy
This is Jessica with her Middle school thru High School friends.

Brian, Rachel with her son Sebastian, Then Jessica with 2 kids Jack and Brighton, Brittany with 3 boys Paul, Gabriel, Troy and a baby in her oven. Also, Brandon the boys have kept themselves free of Children

She had a good time with her friends.


Jessica's Blog said...

I love it! The top pic of me id HORRID!!! Geeze mom! lol

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i'm with jack, let's eat the cake!

smiles, bee

JustMeShann said...

Looks like a great time had by all... Jess I have Brighton's bucket almost done and promise to get it to you before the baby is born... Love you and glad everyone had a wonderful time and how neat is it to have friends all your life, that is something important that the older you get the better it is... Love ya, Shann